ADELANTO – Sitting on over 1,000 acres of privately owned land, AES’ Baldy Mesa Solar + Storage Project will house 150 MW of solar and 75 MW of battery storage to power Amazon facilities. The city of Adelanto welcomed the company as they recently broke ground on the project.
The project, located north of El Mirage Rd, will provide economic opportunities for the city.
“Here in Adelanto, this not only means a step towards a cleaner environment and a boost in the local economy, but also ensures more green jobs for our residents,” said the city in their November 2022 newsletter. “Mayor Gabriel Reyes and the city council are committed to a proactive approach to industry growth and changes, and we’re getting ahead of the pack with this recent development.”
Amazon, the largest corporate purchaser of renewable energy, announced earlier this year that they will purchase power from the Baldy Mesa project and other renewable energy projects to help meet their pledge of powering their operations with 100% renewable energy by 2025.
The Baldy Mesa Solar + Storage Project will generate 150 MW of solar – enough power for more than 25,000 homes. Power generated by the project will be delivered to the power grid via a 5-mile transmission line connected to the Southern California Edison’s Roadway Substation in Adelanto.
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The 75 MW battery storage enables energy generated during the day to be used at night or in periods of high demand.
According to the AES website, the project is expected to be in operation by the third quarter of 2023 and will use “very little water and will not produce any air pollution or emissions”.
For more information on the AES Baldy Mesa Solar + Storage Project visit https://www.aes.com/baldy-mesa