ADELANTO – After a 10 year hiatus, the Boys and Girls Club is reopening at the Glasper Center under new management. The club’s new direction promises to bring programs for the whole family.
“There’s nothing in the High Desert for children,” said Adelanto Boys and Girls Club Director Michael Brown. “I look at these kids – they have no guidance. All of that’s supposed to come from home. Unfortunately, it’s not.”
Brown says he previously ran an organization, Kids World, where he took kids to camp.
“This is something different,” said Brown about the club. “I want them to have something they can do everyday.”
The Boys and Girls Club will offer 35 different programs including an after school program, STEM program, tutoring and computer lab. Brown says he’s working with the Adelanto School District and Victor Valley Transit Authority to put a bus stop in front of the facility.
Brown says the Boys and Girls Club has always been about mentoring. They will be offering the Passport to Manhood program.
“The mentoring program addresses issues like why we need to pull up our pants and put on a belt,” said Brown. “We’ll also have one for the ladies.”
Brown says his daughter, Tamika Brown who has a local beauty shop, will teach classes on health and beauty.
The club will also house early Head Start Greater Growth Learning Academy, under the leadership of Rochelle Bennet who previously taught at the Marcus Garvey School in Los Angeles. The school will open at 6 a.m. and close at 9 p.m.
“Head Start programs in Adelanto don’t open that early,” said Brown. “A lot of parents need more than just half-day care.”
Other programs for parents include resume building, GED Prep, counseling and help with employment. They will also be giving away bags of food on Saturdays.
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Brown says all the programs will be provided for low cost fees set by the Boys and Girls Club of America.
“The membership fee is $40 a year for general paperwork. The programs themselves may cost $30 a month,” said Brown. “I want to be able to sponsor as many kids as I can. If they can’t pay it, we’ll find money. We will not say no to any child.”
Although there has been a minor setback with getting the charter reinstated from the Boys and Girls Club of America, Brown says everything else is flowing.
“The city is working with me. I stood in that chamber meeting and they said we support you and they meant it,” said Brown. “Residents have had really good ideas on how we can incorporate things. I just want people to feel free to come to the club and if they have good suggestions for the kids, we can get it done.”
The Glasper Center is located at 17537 Montezuma St, Adelanto. The Adelanto Boys and Girls Club will operate there, Monday through Saturday, 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. with special events held on Sundays.