ADELANTO – At the upcoming council meeting, December 14, Adelanto will seek public comment and approve Ordinance No. 638 – Food Trucks. The ordinance will create an application and permit requirement for food truck vendors, and set rules for food truck operations, and penalties for violations.
There are an estimated 30,156 in the US which has grown 8.2% per year on average over the last five years. According to a 2017 Food Truck Empire survey, over 85% of full-time food trucks generate over $100,000 in annual gross revenue.
The city of Desert Hot Springs recently announced a weekly food truck event for the month of February in efforts to bring more businesses, shoppers and diners to revitalize their downtown area.
With food trucks growing in popularity, the city of Adelanto is enacting public safety requirements.
Under the ordinance, food truck operators will be required to submit an application to obtain a city-issued food truck permit, as well as hold a city business license. A valid county-issued health permit is required with the application, as well as payment for the to-be-determined fee.
The food truck operators will have to comply with the city’s noise control ordinance and vending hours will be limited. Other stipulations include the removal of generated trash and the requirement that food trucks must be operated within 200 feet travel distance of a bathroom if vending from the same location for more than one hour. The use of flashing lights, strobe lights, and flood lights is prohibited.
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Violations will result in a fine – $500.00 for the first, $750.00 for the second, and $1,000 for the third violation. The ordinance also allows for the city to revoke or suspend a food truck operator’s permit or city business license if fines are not paid within 30 calendar days.
Permits will not be required for food trucks operating as a caterer for private events while on private property or when vending at city approved temporary special events.
As high inflation rates persist in California, these additional permit fees may seem a burden on food truck operators, however, programs like San Bernardino County’s $2,500 Micro Business COVID-19 Relief Grant are still accepting applications. For more info click here.
The Adelanto City Council’s next meeting is December 14 at 11600 Air Expressway in Adelanto starting at 7 p.m. To view the meeting online visit
with webinar ID: 931 4644 4676 and passcode: 7601.