[12/4/2022 UPDATE: Boys and Girls Club re-opening in Adelanto in the Glasper Center. To read more click here]
ADELANTO – The City of Adelanto is seeking proposals, due January 6, 2022, for a one-year lease agreement with a local nonprofit to use the Glasper Center for a fee. The agreement will enable the non-profit to operate within the city and provide services and community events that will benefit the quality of life for residents.
The Glasper Center is located at 17537 Montezuma Street, Adelanto, California 92301. Proposals must include:
- A cover letter stating interest in using the Glasper Center.
- Location of non-profit, type of non-profit and number of years as a non-profit.
- A company profile including corporate by-laws and the State in which it is incorporated. Provide the company’s Federal tax I.D. number.
- If the non-profit is a joint venture consisting of a combination of any of the above entities, each joint venture shall be included in the proposal.
- A calendar of anticipated events and services that will be provided.
- The days and hours of usage that non-profit anticipates using the Glasper Center.
- Proposed rent that the non-profit will pay for the usage of the Glasper Center.
- Insurance documentation.
The proposals are to be submitted by January 6, 2022 to:
Attn: Glasper Center
City Clerk’s Office 1
1600 Air Expressway
Adelanto, CA 92301
To view the full proposal click here.
To see the list of current bids visit https://www.ci.adelanto.ca.us/bids.aspx?bidID=18